Lowrey Foley McClane (2021) is a collective of experienced individual creators from diverse backgrounds, including visual artists, photographers, curators, creative producers, musicians, creative directors, culinary artists (chef) and theater makers. At the same time, our strength also lies in our collectivity. Our work and collective is built out of the contributions of everyone. Each field of discipline serves as a building block in our projects, whether we are creating new work as a collective or supporting one of our members in their personal artistic endeavors.

LFMC is a production house and a playground where creators can work both freely and authentically. It's a space where the creative process is just as important as the final product. LFMC produces independent work through joint art projects as well as commissioned work. We also provide opportunities for a new generation of creatives through our trainee and Artist-in-Residence programs.

For us, art is the way to express our thoughts and feelings, convey a critical message and/or share knowledge. It is our tool to reflect on current events and global issues. As Nina Simone once said:

"An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times."


Lowrey Foley McClane is a foundation
and has a Supervisory Board:

Joanna van Dorp - Chair
Michel Knoppel - Treasurer
Tjalling Valdés Olmos - Secretary

Collaboration is a key ingredient for all of our projects. Therefore collaborations within the team happen on a daily basis. We also regularly work with outside organisations, partners and clients. Want to link up for future endeavours? Let us know.

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Tolhuisweg 2
1031 CL

KvK 84339519

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Our website was developed by Niek Dekker and Pieter de Jong.